Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Out of the country!

Well, it's about 4 hours before I have to leave for the airport, and I still haven't packed for my trip to Haiti! But, such is life :) It'll all get done somehow, even if it means I don't sleep - at least I'll sleep on the plane that way. haha!

I'll be in Haiti until late Monday night, June 2nd. Please pray for a good safe trip. Pray that I would stay healthy, and that this picky eater would be able to eat whatever is put in front of her ;), and pray for some awesome photographs that HFCH will be able to use to increase their ministry in Port-au-Prince!! Thanks for taking this journey with me. I can't wait to come home and share some photos with all of you!

I will be without email & internet access until Monday (eek!), so if you don't hear back from me, that's why :) I'll do my best to respond to all emails when I get back to work next Tuesday.

and because posts without photos are lame... here's a shot from my very first missions trip to Mexico back in 2002...

Have a great week!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hope For The Children of Haiti

One of my portrait clients is on the board for an organization called Hope For the Children of Haiti. Well, they're not just on the board - but they've adopted 3 teenage boys through the ministry! To say that Hope For the Children of Haiti is a big part of their lives would be quite an understatement.

A few weeks ago we started talking about the possibility of me going down to Port-Au-Prince to document the ministry's orphanage & school - and of course, the kids. Well, yesterday we bought our tickets and it's official! I am so excited about the opportunity to work with HFC, and for the chance to visit Haiti for the first time! I have many friends who have visited Haiti, and this orphanage in particular, so I'm really looking forward to seeing it with my own eyes, and bringing that back to all of you. I'll be heading down there at the end of the month, so stay tuned for photos and stories from Port-Au-Prince this summer!!