Only FOUR days left to leave a comment to impact Zimbabwe!! For every comment received up until midnight on Christmas Eve, I will donate $1 to
Forgotten Voices International - to help their efforts of partnering with local churches to provide care and provision to AIDS orphans in Zimbabwe.
Thanks so much to everyone who has left comments so far! You guys rock :) We've got 31 comments so far (plus a few more from Facebook). That's enough to send these two kids to school for a year! How awesome is that?!
Now 31 comments is great and all but, I can donate $30 on my own. The point of this is for you to CHALLENGE me to give more than I normally would. And, so that YOU will be a part of what FVI is doing - and maybe that you would be moved and want to
get more involved. So, get commenting! Got a question about my trip? Wanna share a story about someone you know who has been impacted by AIDS? Have you ever been to Africa? What's the best Christmas present you've ever given or received? Wanna talk about your cat? I don't care, go ahead! :) You don't have to compliment me, or my photographs - just leave me a comment to let me know you were here and that you care enough about AIDS orphans in Zimbabwe to take 1 minute out of your busy day to leave a comment! It won't hurt, I promise ;-)