Tuesday, December 16, 2008

CASH for Comments!

So there's been a bunch of blogging going on around the photography world in the last couple weeks about Cans for Comments. People have been offering to give one can of food to a local food pantry for every blog comment they received. I think that's a great idea! And while I LOVE the local approach, my heart this Christmas is a bit further away...

I went to
Zimbabwe last November (2007) to document the work of Forgotten Voices International. And I have truly not been the same since. My eyes see things differently now. It's as if everything is filtered through a different lens - one that makes me see people, food, money, hunger, waste, AIDS, giving, joy, love, and God in a new way.

Last Christmas was incredibly difficult for me. Watching my niece & nephews plow through a MOUNTAIN of presents, having just met and fallen in love with kids who had barely enough to survive... Well, it was painful.

I recently spent some time teaching my sister's kids about my friends in Zimbabwe -
Shelton, Margaret & Concilia. These kids are orphans living on their own, with little more than weeds for food. Try explaining that to a 5, 4, and 2-year-old from America - it's hard for them to wrap their cute little minds around. But my niece, Reilly, said to me - "Kiki, I know, why don't we give them some of OUR food?!" It was so sweet and so sincere, it almost made me cry. I wish it was that easy. I wish it was as easy as dropping off some food at a food pantry. But, it's not.

So, instead of Cans for Comments - I'm going to be giving CASH for Comments.
For every blog comment you leave (on any post) between now and midnight on Christmas Eve, I will give $1.00 to an organization that is dedicated to empowering AIDS orphans in Zimbabwe - Forgotten Voices International. As little as $15 can send a child to school in Zimbabwe for a whole year! $65 can provide a person with HIV with a home care kit to help prevent the spread of the disease. A few dollars can make a big difference in a lot of lives!

So, I challenge YOU to help me make a difference in the life of a child in Zimbabwe! Leave a comment! And then leave another. And then ask your friends to do the same. And then go to
Forgotten Voices International to find out what FVI is doing to partner with local churches in Southern Africa to provide care for vicitims and orphans of AIDS. And maybe this year, instead of spending a ton of money on presents that no one needs - give a gift on behalf of the ones you love to make a real difference in the life of a child in Zimbabwe!


  1. Krista you are such a great inspiration! ... and wow this jessica girl could cost you a lot of money!

  2. Krista,
    You are amazing. Your photography truly captures the wonders of the world, and the hopes in the hearts of all. I'm so blessed to know you!

  3. This is awesome, Krista. Sometimes the world feels like a big damn with a million little holes all sprouting water...looks like you have your finger on Zimbabwe and that is awesome.

  4. An amazing talent and a compassionate and giving spirit too. God has blessed you in so many ways!

  5. krista I love this idea!! u r amazing!!! hope to catch up to you soon!

  6. Hey friend,
    I have always enjoyed your work, none of it moreso when you capture the expression and heart of a child. Keep up the amazing work in His name.

  7. Krista - you are one great soul, and truly, such an inspiration! Your images break my heart, and I'm sure won't leave anyone indifferent. I've seen some poverty in my life, but nothing close to what goes on back there. So sad...

  8. Krista, you are so very awesome in so many ways.

  9. You are an amazing photographer!

  10. Oh, you anonymous commentors drive me crazy with curiosity!! ;-)

    Thanks for all the kind words, my friends! I'm excited to see what God's gonna do with this little idea over the next week! Maybe we'll find ourselves a matching donor??? Who knows?! Thanks for helping me spread the word!!

  11. I completely know what you mean as I was in Africa (Mozambique) twice. I came home with a new outlook and pray I never lose it. My daughter was too young to remember our African experience, but I want to go back when she is older so she can see how the other part of the world lives. There is so much that is important besides loads of gifts.

    You pictures are beautiful and this is a neat idea.

  12. It's a present for me to just be reminded that there are people like you in the world...so thank you!

  13. This is a great idea...more comments to come ;-)

  14. Way to go Krista. Add alittle more to the pot.

  15. I think most Gods don't read blogs... But we can do it on our own. Good luck!

  16. dum de dum.. comment comment.. krista is great fa la la

  17. dum de dum.. comment comment.. krista is great fa la la

  18. What a great idea :). Merry Christmas!

  19. Wow these pictures are pretty cool, and the cause for which you posted them is honorable too. God bless you!!

  20. You amaze me...I will never forget a long ago conversation at Connor's...how we both have grown.
